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Talking about Species at Risk

A researcher named Dr. Carolyn Peach Brown, Environmental Studies, from the University of Prince Edward Island is looking for participants in a study about young farmers’ perspectives on environmental conservation and Species at Risk on Prince Edward Island (PEI).


Barn Swallows are at risk in PEI (see Island Nature Trust for more information).

Specifically, she is looking for any farmer on PEI between the ages of 18 and 50. Knowledge about Species at Risk is not necessary for participation in the study.

The aim of the research is to better understand the role that young farmers are playing, or can play, in protection of the environment and species at risk on PEI. This will provide important information to guide the development of policy and educational programs about Species at Risk on PEI.

Your participation would involve participating in a face-to-face interview with Angela Costello, UPEI Student Research Assistant. The interview will ask questions about your awareness and knowledge about Species at Risk on PEI and your perspective on their protection. The interview will take approximately 30 – 45 minutes to complete, at a location and time that best suits you. Your participation will be anonymous. In other words, your personal identity will not be revealed. Those who participate in an interview will have the option of having their name included in a draw for a $100 gift card from an agricultural supply store of their choice.

These interviews would take place from December 2019 – March 2020.

If you would like to participate in this study, please contact, Angela Costello, OR would like more information about the study, please contact Dr. Carolyn Peach Brown, 902-620-5066 or

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