The mandate of the Land Matters Advisory Committee is to support government’s efforts to develop land policy and legislation and will provide advice and guidance to ensure policies and legislation reflect the current and future needs of the province. On November 12, members of the NFU presented the following recommendations to the committee. Read the whole submission here:
Government acknowledge that Island land, soil, water, and air are public trusts.
Government acknowledge the importance of the Lands Protection Act, and commit to gaining knowledge and understanding of its purpose in protecting our primary resource.
Government consolidate the management of land under one agency with the powers listed in the presentation and expanded upon with public input.
Government be a leader in seeking diversification in Island agriculture so that there is not such heavy dependence on the potato sector thus putting the stability of our economy at risk.
As recommended by Judge Ralph Thompson and by Horace Carver that environmentally sensitive and marginal lands not be farmed but be maintained as non-arable land in a farm’s total land aggregate.
Island agricultural land must remain in food production
government begin the establishment of an agricultural land bank, which usage would be firmly tied to the Crop Rotation Act.
The zoning and management of agricultural land must remain in provincial jurisdiction, rather than be given over to municipalities.
