Saturday September 14th 10:00 A.M.—3:00 P.M.
Rain date Sunday September 15th same hours as above
Location: Civic Address 2509 and 2556 Hamilton Road (Route 104)
Vintage Tractor & Equipment Display
10 A.M. – All day Tractor Plowing Clinic / Demonstration
12 P.M. – Slow Tractor Race (30 minutes) –Register on show day
1:00P.M.-3:00 P.M.- Walking tours and artifact description
Horse Section demonstrations (all day)
10 A.M. – 3P.M.
Horse tillage and ploughing demonstration
Threshing Demonstration
10 A.M. – 3P.M.
Massey Harris 5’ Binder and sheaves on display
Hall 4CA thresher operation on demand
Canteen sponsored by Kensington Area Guides and Scouts
Antique Engine Section, Mini Car and Truck Show
Continuous display & demonstrations available
All entries welcome show day (Run what you brung!)
Blacksmith Demonstration
All day- on demand activity on the forge and blacksmithing
Haying Demonstrations
11 AM –3 PM – Hay Loader, Dump Rake, Vintage Hay Tedder and more
Cream Separator demonstration
Alton & Rowena Ramsay and friends – Check with James Carruthers on show day for further details
Vintage Saw, Shingle Mill & Wood Processing Demonstration
11:00 A.M – 2:00 P.M.
James Carruthers farm – Look for event location on sign show day